My Session at MIX11: Effective Validation Techniques with MVVM in Silverlight

MIX11_BB_I'mSpeakingAt_2I’m really happy to announce that I’ll be presenting at the MIX’11 Conference in Las Vegas! I will be talking about how to implement decent validation in Silverlight when using the MVVM pattern.

Here is the link form my presentation:

Now what I want is to provide you with the most accurate and most important details about this topic. So here is your chance to have an impact on this session. Tell me about the scenarios that are really crucial for you in you application and for which you’d love to see a solution. Here are some details (just some bullet points) I plan to include my presentation:

  • Attribute based validation
  • Correct implementation of IDataErrorInfo and INotifyDataErrorInfo in a ViewModeBase
  • Issues when binding directly to the Model
  • Async Scenarios (client and server side validation),
  • Dependency on other properties and complex objects
  • Doing Validation when Binding doesn’t happen (required fields without ever gaining focus)
  • Notifying the ViewModel about wrong input (Input is not in a correct format (+a tip on how to “localize” it))
  • Customizing Validation Feedback with VisualStateManagement + Blend
  • Custom states +a couple of nice behaviors to push the view in invalid state
  • Life without INotifyDataErrorInfo (validation in WP7)

So if there is something you’d wish to hear about just ping me!

My english blog just got resurrected

After a really long pause…. Actually it wasn’t that long, since I’ve been writing a couple of articles in english for SilverlightShow:

An article about the Managed Extensibility Framework:
Introduction to the Managed Extensibility Framework

And a series of articles on implementing MVVM in Silverlight:
Data Driven Application with MVVM

Also I have maintained my hungarian blog (not that this would be any consolation to you guys Open-mouthed smile) and I’ve written a hungarian book about Silverlight 4 (4 chapters)

But now I wish to return to the stages of the international blogsphere Smile So you can expect a couple of posts from me on Team Foundation Server (usage and extensibility), my experiences on my special training courses, Silverlight, WPF and WP7 Development.

So stay tuned!
